Friday, February 25, 2011

Brief hiyatus

So i haven't drawn in a while. I have been busy busy busy, and i am giving myself permission to forget my dreams in the morning for a bit. I will be back at it shortly, but for now i am just enjoying effortless sleep and waking.
Be back soon.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Next week

I have been drawing my dreams, but i am getting ready to head out of town for the week end which always promises lots of really good dreaming! Ill be keeping track and refresh when i am back home!

Monday, January 24, 2011

still here...

i am still here, and still documenting my dreams, just been lazy about scanning. hopefully ill be back up and running soon.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

wanna go surfing?


heck yeah i do!!!!

johnny cash and the broken ankle


i was scared. the dream took all sorts of weird turns.

the flying surfboard.

thought i had given up journaling huh????? NEVER!!!! i was able to keep up with my dreams while i was away for a few days.

she rode that surfboard like it was a kite!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

the commune


where they all there with just that one dude????
that was awkward when i realized it was you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

hoop class


great dream....the dream that followed on the other

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

i feel the earth shake under my feet

i wasnt able to post yesterday...i didnt remember dreaming a thing.
but last night went like this.

there was someone in there. and it was much bigger from the inside.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

cricket to the shoulder with arm tattoos


camel crickets freak me the heck out!!!!!

the great cast iron skillet adventure


man it got hot falling through the atmosphere.

the big boat made of reed


i was scared, waves horrify me in my sleep.



new blog....
a few days ago i had a crazy mad dream, and wanted to shake it off.....but that following night i had a dream that i wanted to remember, so i bought myself a little sketch pad, and some nice pens.
a few years ago a friend of mine sent me a link to some amazing ink sketches, and they have stuck with me since. i used to be an avid scribbler. i even wrote and illustrated a book of childrens poetry that is on a book shelf to this day......
but it is time to do something to document something that has nothing to do with agenda, priority, or the need to be accepted or rejected....they simply are my dreams, and that is all. they are quick ink drawings of what i saw, what stood out, and what i remember.
i am a vivid dreamer, sometimes my dreams seem like epic tales, sometimes they are horrific, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes they rock my core like someone is trying to tell me something. so here they are.
i wont be describing the dreams, i remember them well. i may relay a feeling, or give a word to hint at why that image stuck in my mind. if you are here, you get to use your imagination.

this dream is the first of my book, the day the harbor seal came to talk.
